Sunday, August 31, 2008

Morning Tea

It's amazing what light you can catch in the morning, if you look.

Morning tea
A warm, soothing cup of lao cong shui xian.


  1. Meditative and calming...marvelous!

  2. Looks calming, including the fact that it's Shui Xian!

    Great browning tone; I've been inclined to tone a few prints too lately after seeing your pictures, though in a slightly more painful (that is, smelly) process...


  3. Thanks guys, your feedback is always appreciated!

    VL, what does the toning process use that smell so bad?


  4. Potassium Polysulfide is what's in the toner I use, along with some simple alkali, not ammonia. I wouldn't be surprised if lots of other sulphur compounds are released, which make it smell rather bad.

    But well, I love digital sepia too, there is a greater degree of control. You can also try lots of other simulated toning, don't know if Photoshop does that, but on the GIMP (which is free) there is a nice function, see link.


  5. Um, yeah...some toners are highly toxic, too. Sepia and blue toning weren't so bad in terms of smell, as far as I recall. I took a toning / B&W photo painting class back in undergrad years. I don't think Photoshop existed yet back

    By the way, Brent, if you are in the market for analog cameras, I have 2 complete systems to sell (a 6x7 medium format and a 35mm). Just FYI. :)

  6. Great pictures

  7. Phyll,

    I'm not in the market right now, but I will keep you in mind if I decide to branch out into film, particularly medium format (my dad has an old 35mm film SLR I could use). Thanks for the offer.


    Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you like them.



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