Origin: Wuyi Mtn, Fujian Province, China
Year: 2006
Vendor: Teacuppa (Product page)
Price: $32.00 (100g) / $6.00 (15g)

The dry leaf is lovely in both appearance and fragrance: the leaves are dark, and there is a classic deep chocolate aroma, with the slightest hint of tropical fruit and spice. I decided to brew this fairly conservatively, with 6 grams of leaf in my 90mL yixing and long steep times (20 seconds to 2 minutes).
The first infusion, after a flash rinse, was pretty good. It was hearty, with a good amount of "fire," hints of tropical fruit, and a base of cocoa/coffee. There was even a healthy fruit aftertaste. After that, though, things went downhill quickly. It was thin, weak, and a bit sour. I'm thinking this tea probably needs more leaf to express itself best, but unfortunately I only got a 15g sample so there's not a lot I can do.
The wet leaf is mostly chopped up, with a few long leaves here and there.
Overall, I'd say this is just a mediocre tea. Not bad, but not great either. As I mentioned before, it is a shame that I felt like blogging as I tasted this. I'll get around to posting about the other Teacuppa yancha samples someday, but until then, I should say that this is the first one I wasn't thrilled with— all the others have been very good, and I recommend them wholeheartedly.
I have tried their shui xian..i think best out there so far.
ReplyDeleteWhat other Wuyis do you have from them? I need to get some more and I think I might look into their offerings.
ReplyDeleteSteven: So far I've tried their Shui Xian, Lao Cong Shui Xian, Tie Luo Han, Da Hong Pao [B], and their Rou Gui. They've all been good.
ReplyDeleteOne of the best parts about Teacuppa is that they let you buy 15g samples of most of their teas, so you don't have to invest a lot in something you don't know if you will like. Enjoy!
I really like the first pic. Really expensive tea. In India we usually drink black tea.