Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thoughts on minimalism

faircup and tea
My preferred "style" is definitely minimalist-leaning without being completely spartan (Proper capitalization and punctuation? On a blog? Gadzooks!), as you may have noticed through my teaware choices and the various templates Tea Nerd has sported in the past. Even putting aside aesthetics, there is something elegant and satisfying about having a clean, simple, capable set of tools.

teaware chaos
Oh right. Well, uhh, about that...

(Happy Thanksgiving!)


  1. That is so the zeitgeist of today's tea generation. Zen in principle, eclectic in practice. (My cupboard looks like that too.)

  2. Greetings!

    I just discovered your blog; I, too, am a lover of tea. Great post!

  3. The center shelf looks my tea shelf.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love the picture of the shelf.


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